You have graduated Basic – Part 2 obedience class and you still want more. You have seen all that can be accomplished with a little practice and some patience. This is the class that you wanted from the very beginning when you said “I want a well-trained dog,” but you needed to accomplish the basics to get here. In this class we will teach you how to get your dog to stop in his tracks even if he is running away from you. We will work on having your dog come when called, even off larger distractions. We will introduce off-leash reliability, because if your dog ever gets loose, you will need to have practiced off leash to expect your dog to respond while off leash. The class is taught indoors, in a safe area, so there is no need to worry while your dog is building these skills. Do not be intimidated, you can do this, because we will help you. We always work with each dog at their own appropriate level.
PRE-REQUISITE for this course is completion of the Basic – Part 2 class and INSTRUCTOR APPROVAL.
COST: $200 for six 1-hour sessions. Payment is required upon registration to hold your spot in the class.
Click HERE to see our CURRENT SCHEDULE and SIGN UP today. BEFORE registering, please see our group class policies. When you register for class, you acknowledge that you have read the policies. Please check our Class Status page for any scheduled cancellations prior to signing up for a class.
If you do not see a class that works to for you, please contact us to be added to a waitlist or to receive notification as new classes are scheduled.

Need a little extra help? Check out our Mind Your Manners program. If you are currently enrolled in any of our classes, you do not need an evaluation to sign up for Mind Your Manners. Please speak to your instructor to determine if this program is right for your dog.
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