Canine Fitness is important for any dog, puppy to seniors! In our Canine Fitness classes, you will work with FitPaws equipment, teaching body awareness and building confidence. Doing these types of exercises is a fun and entertaining way to build a strong working relationship with your dogs.
Intro to Canine Fitness
Get your dog acclimated to the FitPaws equipment, working on proper stretching procedures on Klimb tables and FitPaws peanuts. We will teach balancing techniques on wobbles boards and balance pads. We will teach a “tuck” sits and “sphinx” downs in order to keep dog’s movement tight to prepare them for balancing on the various pieces of equipment.
Your dog will be working with inflated exercise equipment so please ensure their nails are trimmed.
PRE-REQUISITE for this course is completion of the Basic class. Please speak with your veterinarian to ensure your dog is healthy enough to participate.
COST: $160 for four 1-hour sessions. Payment is required upon registration to hold your spot in the class.
Click HERE to see our CURRENT SCHEDULE and SIGN UP today. BEFORE registering, please see our group class policies. When you register for class, you acknowledge that you have read the policies. Please check our Class Status page for any scheduled cancellations prior to signing up for a class.
If you do not see a class that works to for you, please contact us to be added to a waitlist or to receive notification as new classes are scheduled.
Canine Fitness – Part 2
In this course, we will continue to work with the FitPaws equipment to mentally and physically challenge your dog and keep them engaged while increasing the difficulty of the exercises. Working with the FitPaws equipment will help increase range of motion, improve balance, improve reflexes, and results in increased muscle tone and endurance.
Your dog will be working with inflated exercise equipment so please ensure their nails are trimmed.
PRE-REQUISITE for this course is COMPLETION of the Intro to Canine Fitness class. Please speak with your veterinarian to ensure your dog is healthy enough to participate.
COST: $160 for four 1-hour minute sessions. Payment is required upon registration to hold your spot in the class.
Click HERE to see our CURRENT SCHEDULE and SIGN UP today. BEFORE registering, please see our group class policies. When you register for class, you acknowledge that you have read the policies. Please check our Class Status page for any scheduled cancellations prior to signing up for a class.
If you do not see a class that works to for you, please contact us to be added to a waitlist or to receive notification as new classes are scheduled.
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